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Piano Provenzana: Mount Etna Hiking Trip to 3,300 Meters
71 USD
Embark on an unforgettable adventure to the iconic Mount Etna, the tallest active volcano in Europe. Buckle up for a thrilling ride in a 4x4 off-road vehicle, which will take you from an impressive 1,800 meters above sea level to a breathtaking 2,965 meters. Finally, put on your hiking boots and tackle the remaining climb on foot, reaching an altitude of 3,300 meters.
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Embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the majestic Mount Etna, Europe's highest active volcano. This guided trek is a unique opportunity to delve into the heart of this natural wonder. A combination of off-road 4x4 transportation and hiking will take you to an astonishing 3,300 meters above sea level. Your journey begins in Piano Provenzana, where an off-road vehicle will take you along a scenic route that wraps around the northern slope of Mt. Etna. As you ascend, you'll traverse ancient craters and more recent lava flows, reaching an altitude of 2,925 meters. From here, lace up your hiking boots and begin the 470-meter climb on foot. The rugged terrain, dotted with volcanic bombs and scoria, will be your companion as you make your way to the Central Crater, perched at an impressive 3,300 meters. Take a moment to drink in the breathtaking panorama from the rooftop of Sicily, a sight that will leave you awestruck (weather permitting). The descent follows the same path, taking you through narrow channels filled with soft, fragmented volcanic scoria, eventually leading you back to an altitude of 2,825 meters. From here, board the off-road vehicles once more and make your way back down to Piano Provenzana, bringing an unforgettable experience to a close.