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From Taormina: Savoca and Forza d'Agrò The Godfather Tour
60 USD
Step into the world of cinematic legend and immerse yourself in the iconic scenery that inspired one of the greatest films of all time. Our unique tour takes you on a thrilling adventure through the picturesque towns of Savoca and Forza d'Agrò, where the epic story of The Godfather comes to life. Relive the magic of Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece in the very streets and alleys that captivated audiences worldwide. Get ready for an unforgettable experience that will leave you feeling like a character straight out of the movie!
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After a warm welcome from our guide at your hotel, we'll embark on a fascinating journey to Savoca, passing through the charming towns of Sant'Alessio and Santa Teresa. As we arrive in Savoca, this hidden gem will unfold its treasures before us. We'll visit the iconic Vitelli bar, where scenes from F. F. Coppola's cinematic masterpiece, The Godfather, were filmed. The bar is a treasure trove of memories, filled with captivating photos from the film. Next, we'll make our way to the picturesque Church of Santa Lucia, where the unforgettable wedding scene between Appolonia and Michael Corleone took place. Our journey will also take us to the crypt of the Capuchins, a unique catacomb housing several mummies. As we depart Savoca, we'll head to the enchanting town of Forza d'Agro', which played a starring role in The Godfather trilogy. This charming town will greet us with its rich history, and we'll have the opportunity to relive all the scenes that were filmed on location. If you're interested, you can also visit the chocolate museum or enjoy a delicious meal (at your own expense).