Dedicated to the Masotto Battery, in honor of the courageous soldiers fallen at Adwa on the 1st of March 1896, during the campaign in Eritrea, the bronze statue was created in 1897 by Salvatore Buemi and melted in Turin by the Royal Foundry. It represents three soldiers: one of them has already fallen; the other one, injured, grips a musket in his hand and with his hip leans on a field gun; while the third one tries to hold his head up and grips a rifle with the other hand, in a threatening stance against the enemy. The monument was inaugurated by the former mayor A. Martino in 1899 and was built using money collected by two different subscriptions. The pedestal is made of marble of Baveno; it has the shape of a classical altar and, on its side, it has bronze panels with the names of the men in the battery headed by captain Masotto. The field guns, placed at the sides of the base, have been restored several times, and still have some of their original parts.
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