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Customs Tip
Customs Tip
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Venice: Doge's Palace Reserved Entry Ticket
Venice: Doge's Palace Reserved Entry Ticket
32 $
Venice: Bus Transfer between Marco Polo Airport and City
Venice: Bus Transfer between Marco Polo Airport and City
10 $
Venice: Marco Polo Airport Water Taxi Transfer
Venice: Marco Polo Airport Water Taxi Transfer
40 $

Practical info

Address: Fondamenta della Dogana alla Salute, 2-9, Venice
Opening hours: On the occasion of temporary exhibitions, Punta della Dogana is open as follows: 10am-7pm (last entrance at 6pm) closed on Tuesdays and 24, 25 December.
Price: 15 euro. Reduced price: 12 euro available for residents of the city of Venice, adult groups from 15 to 25 people, ICOM associates, members Donatello Privilège, Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano (FAI) associates, Touring Club Italiano (TCI) associates, Automobile Club Italiano (ACI) associates, soldiers on presentation of their card, Members of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation.
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