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Old River Pub
Restaurant Old River Pub
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Old River Pub is a typical Italian restaurant located in Gravina in Puglia, Via San Giuseppe 92.

Old River Pub is a pub, pizzeria, brewery and wine pub where you can enjoy appetizers, snacks, hot and cold dishes and great pizza. And you drink even better being able to choose among the best tap and bottled beers, in addition to some really interesting wine labels: Old River Pub is really a benchmark for eating and drinking in Gravina in Puglia.

The average price per person is 8 euro.

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Practical info

Address: Via San Giuseppe 92, Gravina in Puglia
Price: 8 euro.
Phone: (+39) 080 3269023
Special diets available: gluten free - lactose free
Accessible by people with disabilities
Animal friendly
Credit cards accepted
Free Wi-Fi
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