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Matera: Private Tour of Sassi
137 USD
Embark on an unforgettable journey through the captivating Sassi of Matera, a fascinating archaeological site that whispers tales of human presence spanning thousands of years, from the dawn of the Paleolithic era to the present day. As you delve into this enchanting region, you'll uncover the secrets of a rich cultural heritage that echoes through the ages.
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Step into the fascinating history of Matera, a town literally carved out of ancient rocks, where residents called home until the 20th century. This extraordinary destination promises an unforgettable adventure. As you wander through the town's two main rock-hewn districts, you'll uncover a labyrinth of cave dwellings and ancient rupestrian churches, each one telling a unique story. Take in the breathtaking vistas of the Murgia Materana Park from the scenic balconies, while unraveling the rich history of one of Europe's oldest cities. Your journey will culminate at the Sassi's highest points, where you'll visit the majestic cathedral, a testament to Matera's enduring spirit.