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Viareggio: Market Tour and Home Cooking Class with Meal
206 USD
Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of a local market, where the aroma of fresh produce and the sound of lively chatter fill the air. Next, get ready to unleash your inner chef with a private cooking class led by a seasoned home cook. You'll discover the secrets of traditional Italian cuisine and savor the fruits of your labor, paired with a curated selection of local wines.
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Practical info
Delve into the local culture with a friendly host as your guide, and discover the art of selecting the freshest ingredients at a bustling market. With your basket full of goodies, head to your host's cozy home for a hands-on cooking adventure. Under their expert guidance, master the preparation of three authentic Italian recipes, savoring each dish accompanied by a curated selection of local wines. Your personal workstation will be fully equipped with all the necessary utensils and ingredients, ensuring a seamless cooking experience. Immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the Italian way, and take home a timeless souvenir – the knowledge of traditional Italian cooking, a skill that will remain with you forever.