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Lucca Market Tour and Home Cooking Class
217 USD
Embark on a culinary adventure like no other! Delve into the heart of the local market, where vibrant colours and enticing aromas await. Next, step into a private cooking class within a cozy local home, guided by a certified home cook. As you learn the secrets of traditional recipes, you'll get to savour every dish you prepare, paired with a selection of fine wines.
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Practical info
Experience the authentic taste of Italy by delving into the heart of traditional family recipes during your travels. Your local host, a guardian of time-honored culinary secrets, will share their treasured family wisdom, passed down through generations. Embark on a local food shopping adventure with your host, navigating the vibrant Italian market scene and learning to identify the freshest, highest-quality produce. Next, immerse yourself in an intimate cooking class within the warmth of your host's home. Here, you'll unravel the mysteries of regional specialties and savor the fruits of your labor, paired with an expertly curated selection of local wines. Under the guidance of your host, uncover the secrets of three authentic regional recipes, putting your culinary skills to the test in a fully equipped workstation, complete with all necessary ingredients and utensils. The grand finale? A delightful tasting session, accompanied by a selection of fine local wines. Instead of burdening your suitcase with souvenirs, take home a lifelong treasure: the art of Italian cooking.