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Andria: Castel del Monte Private Historical Tour
76 USD
Step into the enchanting world of Castel del Monte, a medieval fortress steeped in history and intrigue. Join your knowledgeable guide on a fascinating journey through the castle's majestic rooms, imposing towers, and serene courtyards, uncovering the long-hidden secrets of this ancient manor.
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Perched atop the highest hill of Alta Murga, Castel del Monte stands as a testament to the power and ingenuity of its creator, Frederic of Swabia. This majestic manor, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, exudes an aura of mystery, beckoning visitors to unravel its secrets. As we venture to this medieval stronghold, our expert guide will greet us at the parking area and accompany us on the shuttle ride to the castle. Upon arrival, we'll embark on a scenic stroll around the perimeter, taking in the stunning vistas of the Alta Murgia landscape. As we enter the castle, we'll delve into the intriguing history of the monument, exploring its courtyards, halls, and towers. Our guide will regale us with tales of the past, and we'll be encouraged to let our imaginations run wild, immersing ourselves in the medieval atmosphere and pondering the enigmas that still surround this unique and fascinating edifice.