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Museum of the City of Rimini
Museum of the City of Rimini
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Aquarium of Cattolica Entry Ticket
Aquarium of Cattolica Entry Ticket
23 $
Rimini: Italy in Miniature Entry Ticket
Rimini: Italy in Miniature Entry Ticket
24 $
Riccione: Oltremare Park Entrance Ticket
Riccione: Oltremare Park Entrance Ticket
27 $

Practical info

Address: Via Luigi Tonini 1, Rimini
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11 AM to 7 PM. Sundays and holidays 11 AM - 9 PM
Price: 6 euro. Reduced: 4 euro. Free for children up to 7 years old and every first Sunday of the month and every Wednesday except the one following the first Sunday of the month.
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