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Palazzo Farnese - Civic Museums
Palazzo Farnese - Civic Museums
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Cremona: private half day city tour
Cremona: private half day city tour
246 $
Oltrepò Pavese In Your Glass - Wine Tasting
Oltrepò Pavese In Your Glass - Wine Tasting
32 $
Cremona: city tour with local products tasting
Cremona: city tour with local products tasting
53 $

Practical info

Address: Piazza Cittadella 29, Piacenza
Opening hours: Monday: closed. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 10 am to 1 pm. Friday and Saturday: 10 am to 1 pm / 3 to 6 pm. Sunday: 9.30 am to 1 pm / 3 to 6 pm.
Price: 6 euro. Reduced: 4.50 euro. Schools: 3 euro. Free the first Sunday of the month and for disabled people and their carers and for children under 6.
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