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Lecce Audioguide - TravelMate app for your smartphone
Explore Lecce at your own pace with the TravelMate app, your personal travel guide. Simply download the app to your smartphone and discover the city's hidden gems through engaging audio content. Your autonomous adventure awaits!
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Imagine having a knowledgeable companion by your side, sharing fascinating stories about the city's rich history, highlighting must-see attractions, and revealing intriguing secrets. Our expertly crafted audio content is brought to life by a team of accomplished writers and voiced by seasoned professionals from the world of television and radio. This engaging audioguide is comprised of 16 informative chapters, totaling 50 minutes of captivating content. As you explore the city, you'll discover: * A warm introduction to the city * The flavorful world of local cuisine * The majestic Basilica of Santa Croce * The imposing Castle of Charles V * The Castromediano Museum, a treasure trove of artifacts * The serene Church of San Matteo * The historic Church of San Niccolo' * The stunning Church of Santa Chiara * The captivating Faggiano Museum * The majestic Palazzo Celestini * The vibrant Piazza Duomo * The charming Piazza Sant'Oronzo