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Palazzo Moroni
Palazzo Moroni
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Bergamo: Palazzo Moroni Entry Ticket
Bergamo: Palazzo Moroni Entry Ticket
11 $
Bergamo: AC Bus transfer to Milan - No Hassle & Free luggage
Bergamo: AC Bus transfer to Milan - No Hassle & Free luggage
10 $
Milan: Bergamo Airport Transfer
Milan: Bergamo Airport Transfer
10 $

Practical info

Address: Via Porta Dipinta 12, Bergamo
Opening hours: In addition to the appointments of annual opening that focus depending on the schedule on Sundays in May and September you can visit the palace by appointment, for groups of at least eighteen people. For lower numbers  is applied a flat rate of € 140.00 per group. To book a visit call (+39) 035 244870.
Price: 8 euro.
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