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Bari Walking Tour
28 USD
Unlock the charm of Bari alongside a knowledgeable local expert. Embark on a 2-hour journey through the narrow, winding streets of the historic centre, and let the genuine essence of southern Italian culture envelop you.
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Immerse yourself in the authentic charm of Bari's historic center, where the city's rich heritage comes alive. Take in the splendor of the Basilica of Saint Nicholas, including its stunning Crypt, and marvel at the ancient Cathedral of Saint Sabinus and the majestic Swabian Castle, a testament to the region's storied past. As you wander through the narrow, winding streets of the old town, catch glimpses of traditional Italian life: elderly women crafting pasta by hand, children playing freely outdoors, and the enticing aromas of homemade cooking wafting from every corner. Stroll along the picturesque seafront and soak up the vibrant atmosphere of Bari's bustling squares, where you can indulge in local delights - a refreshing scoop of artisanal ice cream or a slice of the legendary focaccia - and experience the authentic flavors of this captivating city.