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Bari Street Food Tour on Segway
93 USD
Uncover the charms of Bari with a knowledgeable local guide, venturing into its most scenic and tucked-away spots. Cruise effortlessly through the city on an environmentally friendly Segway, pausing to savour the flavours of authentic street cuisine.
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Practical info
Embark on an unforgettable journey through the historic heart of the old town, where iconic landmarks await. Marvel at the majestic Basilica of Saint Nicolas, home to the revered Crypt, and explore the ancient Cathedral of Saint Sabinus, steeped in history. The impressive Swabian Castle, with its rich legacy, is another must-visit attraction. Indulge in a culinary adventure, with stops at various local hotspots. Visit a traditional Panificio to uncover the art of crafting authentic focaccia barese, and savor a freshly baked slice. Next, venture into a Salumeria to discover an array of artisanal cheeses and cured meats, perfectly paired with a glass of rich Primitivo wine. Wander through the charming alleys and uncover the delights of fried street food, including the crispy sgagliozze and panzerotti. Finally, indulge in a refreshing treat at a Gelateria, where homemade ice cream await. As the day unwinds, experience the modern French quarter, boasting stunning sea views, opulent opera houses, and upscale shopping avenues.