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Verona: Cheese Tasting and Pairing
49 USD
Delve into the rich world of local cheeses and master the art of pairing them. Discover the fascinating stories behind the production of iconic regional specialties, and uncover the secrets of five distinct varieties. As you explore the nuances of each type, learn how to craft simple yet impressive combinations that will elevate your culinary expertise.
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Practical info
Immerse yourself in the rich flavors of the Veneto region, renowned for its exceptional cheeses. Embark on a sensory journey that will elevate your appreciation for the region's gastronomic heritage. Under the guidance of an expert, delve into the world of artisanal cheese and discover that there's more to it than just taste. Begin by visually appreciating the intricacies of the cheese, then awaken your senses by touching and smelling it, setting the stage for a truly immersive experience. Finally, savor the flavor and uncover the full depth of this culinary delight. Marvel at the art of cheese platter arrangement, where carefully selected accompaniments like fresh fruits, honey, and sweet jams blend in harmony to create a symphony of aromas, fragrances, and flavors that will tantalize your palate.