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Venice: Guided Tour of the Jewish Ghetto and Synagogue Visit
21 USD
Delve into the captivating charm of Venice's historic Jewish Ghetto, accompanied by a knowledgeable guide who will reveal the secrets of this extraordinary neighborhood. As you wander through the winding streets, uncover the rich cultural heritage of the area, marvel at the majestic architecture, and step inside the magnificent Levantine and Spanish Synagogues.
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Uncover the secrets of Venice's iconic Jewish Quarter on a guided tour led by a local expert. Wander through the picturesque streets and delve into the rich history of the Old and New Ghettos, home to five stunning synagogues. Your journey begins in the charming Campo di Ghetto Nuovo square. From here, embark on a fascinating walking tour that weaves through the Old and New Ghettos, unraveling the captivating story of Jewish life that has thrived in this area for centuries. Take in the authentic architecture of the neighborhood's original buildings and gain insight into local customs. Step into the majestic Levantine Synagogue and Spanish Synagogue, where you'll have the opportunity to explore the atmospheric study rooms, known as Midrashim, and marvel at the ancient ovens that have stood the test of time.