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Sanremo: Pasta & Basta
70 USD
Would you like to discover all the secrets of Pasta? Not just a cooking class but a true and authentic italian experience! Ravioli, tagliatelle and orecchiette... a culinary trip and much more.
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Practical info
I will welcome our group to my apartment where we will have our interactive cooking class. I will introduce you the program and the grandma traditional receipts that we will cook together: everybody will have his own apron and I will teach you how to cook the following dishes all rigorously handmade: - tagliatelle - ravioli - orecchiette During the preparation everybody will have his own space and ingredients to put in practice what I'll teach, meanwhile I will be glad to share with you the origin of different preparation, with some historical link and show you some tricks how to make a dish a real artwork so that you can be a real italian chef when you will invite your friends at home next time! During the class we will explore also italian names for different ingredients and in a whilw you will became a PASTA expert. Ready for your special meal? We will move to the terrace and we will share PASTA receipts just cooked during the class and we'll finish our convivial meal with a real italian coffee and some more legend and local tips. PASTA E BASTA... PASTA, WHAT ELSE? Other things to note If you partecipate in group, according to your special needs, we can tailor-made the cooking class for special occasion (birthday, anniversary etc), we are available to make experience both lunch and dinner (vegetarian, vegan or special needs are supported) We can arrange a special table for kids.