The Villa della Regina in Turin is one of the Piedmontese Residences of the Royal House of Savoy listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site.
It is the only vigna collinare (hill vineyard) to have reached us with all the elements that characterize this type of residence: a complex of noble buildings (the villa and the garden pavilions), at the center of Italian-style gardens with fountains enclosed by a wood, complete with agricultural areas (vineyard, farmhouse and vegetable gardens), service buildings (an ice-house and the orangery, known as the citroniera) and - in the past - by stables.
The Villa della Regina is a national museum and as such it belongs to the Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici del Piemonte (Superintendance of Historical, Artistic and Anthropological Resources of Piedmont), to which it was entrusted in 1994 by the Ministero delle Finanze – Compartimento del Territorio (Ministry of Finance – Territorial Department). After being thoroughly restored, since 2006 it has been open to the public.
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