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Lake Garda: Garda Hills Wine Tour and Tasting
43 USD
Indulge in a wine-lover's paradise on the picturesque hills of Lake Garda with a guided tour and tasting at a local estate. Stroll through the lush vineyards and explore the cellars, followed by a wine and food pairing featuring a curated selection of fine wines, artisanal cold cuts, rich cheeses, and premium olive oil.
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Join us for an unforgettable experience on the picturesque hills of Lake Garda, where warmth and authenticity come alive in a charming family-run estate. This haven celebrates the perfect blend of hospitality, harmony with nature, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Embark on a vineyard tour, meandering through the lush rows of grapevines, and uncover the secrets of cultivating exceptional grapes with dedication and passion. Next, delve into the heart of the estate's cellar, where art and tradition converge. Explore both the modern facility and the age-old cellars, where master craftsmen carefully craft and mature their finest vintages. Finally, indulge in a wine tasting extravaganza, featuring a curated selection of premium wines paired with an assortment of local delicacies, including cured meats, artisanal cheeses, crispy bruschetta, and a drizzle of the estate's very own Garda olive oil.