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Lake Garda: Cima Capi Via Ferrata
93 USD
Embark on an exhilarating adventure to the summit of Cima Capi via a thrilling via ferrata route, secured by a sturdy harness. As you reach the top, be mesmerized by the breathtaking panorama of Lake Garda unfolding below. The descent takes you through a historical journey, passing by ancient forts and tunnels.
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Embark on an unforgettable via ferrata adventure, where breathtaking vistas of Lake Garda and the Sarca Valley await. This thrilling route is not for the faint of heart, as it winds its way through a series of exposed passages that offer heart-stopping glimpses of the valley below. Prepare for a physically demanding climb, as you ascend to dizzying heights, with sheer vertical drops that will leave you awestruck. Your efforts will be rewarded as you reach the summit of Cima Capi, where remnants of the First World War's fortifications, tunnels, and walkways await discovery. Be sure to pack a flashlight to illuminate your exploration of these historic structures on the return journey.