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Venice: St Mark's Basilica After Hours & Doge Palace Option
139 USD
Imagine having two of Venice's most iconic landmarks all to yourself. Take an exclusive, crowd-free journey through St. Mark's majestic Basilica and the historic Doge's Palace on a unique after-hours guided tour. You can opt for a Basilica-only visit or explore both sites, surrounded by serene tranquility.
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Imagine stepping into the majestic St. Mark's Square after dark, where the hustle and bustle of the day gives way to an intimated atmosphere. Your expert guide awaits you, ready to unravel the secrets of Venice's most treasured landmark: St. Mark's Basilica. As the doors swing open, you'll embark on an unforgettable journey through the Basilica's storied past, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Unwind as your guide regales you with tales of the Basilica's fascinating history, from the daring 9th-century heist that brought its precious relics to the city, to the turbulent years that shaped the Venetian Republic. As you stroll through the empty halls, the silence is almost palpable, broken only by the soft whispers of your guide's expert commentary. In this serene atmosphere, you'll experience the Basilica as few others have – free from the chaos of the daytime crowds. You'll delve into the crypt, where the remnants of St. Mark are said to rest, and marvel at the walls still bearing the scars of Venice's devastating floods. The tranquility of the evening air allows you to fully absorb the Basilica's breathtaking beauty, as the stunning mosaics, covering an impressive 43,000 square feet, glimmer and shine in the soft light. If you opt for the extended tour, you'll venture into the majestic Doge's Palace, exploring the opulent apartments of the former Venetian rulers and the majestic Hall of the Great Council, adorned with breathtaking frescoes by Veronese and Tintoretto. Throughout your tour, your knowledgeable guide will weave a rich tapestry of stories, threading together the intricate history of Venice and its most iconic landmarks.