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Lake Como to Lake Lugano: E-Bike Three Panoramic Lakes
147 USD
Venture into the picturesque valley nestled behind Lake Como, a paradise for those who crave the great outdoors. Take in the unspoiled charm of rustic villages, revel in the breathtaking panoramas of the lake, and cruise along serene mountain roads. And, for good measure, make a stop at the stunning Lake Lugano, all within a scenic circular route that will leave you enchanted.
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Embark on a scenic adventure that unfolds in the picturesque valley behind Lake Como, a haven for nature enthusiasts. This circular route takes you on a thrilling journey, showcasing hidden villages, breathtaking lake views, and tranquil mountain roads perfect for cycling. Escape the bustling shores of Lake Como and venture into the serene Val Sanagra nature reserve, a treasured secret nestled above Menaggio. As you ride, the scenery transforms into a nostalgic scene, with ancient stone houses and aged water mills scattered along the gentle stream's banks. As you pedal uphill, the mountains unfold, revealing historic villages, lush green meadows, and an atmosphere of tranquility. Discover authentic village squares, untouched by the masses, where time stands still. The journey continues with a leisurely downhill ride, offering spectacular views of the surroundings, including remnants of an ancient Medieval road. Your guide will lead you to the shores of Lake Lugano, followed by a shady ride to Lake Piano, and finally, a scenic cycle along the old railway line, now a charming bike path.