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Giardini Naxos: Boat Trip Isola Bella with Snorkeling
60 USD
: Embark on a thrilling coastal adventure from Giardini Naxos and delve into the stunning scenery of Taormina and Isola Bella. As you cruise along the coastline, be mesmerized by the turquoise waters and get ready to uncover the secrets of the Mediterranean Sea. To enhance your underwater exploration, snorkeling gear is provided, allowing you to discover the vibrant marine life up close. To keep your energy levels high throughout the journey, a selection of snacks and refreshing drinks are included in this unforgettable experience.
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Practical info
Embark on an unforgettable journey as we set sail from Giardini Naxos, navigating the picturesque Bay of Naxos, and taking in the breathtaking views of Capo Taormina and the rugged Faraglioni. The stunning coastline of Giardini Naxos, Taormina, and Castelmola will leave you in awe, with the majestic silhouette of Mount Etna forming a dramatic backdrop to this natural wonderland. After a leisurely 30-minute cruise, we'll arrive at the protected Marine Reserve of Isola Bella, where you'll have the opportunity to indulge in snorkeling adventures, soak up the sun on our sun-kissed decks, and savor refreshing drinks and snacks amidst the tranquility of this island paradise. Please note that our itinerary may be adjusted according to marine weather conditions and the captain's discretion, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all on board.