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Ravenna: Private Tour with Stunning Byzantine Mosaics
233 USD
Uncover the hidden gem of Ravenna, a breathtaking Italian city that will leave you enchanted! Wander through its majestic basilicas and picturesque baptisteries, which proudly showcase some of the world's most exquisite and ancient mosaic treasures.
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Uncover the hidden gems of Ravenna, a treasure trove of Italian history, on this immersive walking adventure. Your journey begins at the ancient Church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, a 6th-century marvel. Next, delve into the world of literature in the tranquil "Zone of Silence", dedicated to the revered poet Dante Alighieri. Visit his tomb, the Dante Museum, and the serene Franciscan cloisters, adorned with statues of San Francesco and Santa Chiara. As you continue your stroll, arrive at the stunning Neonian baptistery, boasting an impressively preserved architecture and ornate interiors, featuring intricate stuccos and a magnificent mosaic depicting the baptism of Christ. From there, make your way to the picturesque Palazzo Rasponi, which leads you to the vibrant Piazza del Popolo, the heart of the city. The pièce de résistance awaits at the breathtaking 6th-century Basilica of San Vitale, a testament to the Roman-Byzantine Empire. Marvel at its striking octagonal design, and behold the vivid scenes from the Old Testament and the exquisite mosaics of Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora. Just adjacent to the basilica lies the stunning Mausoleum of Empress Galla Placida, a treasure trove of unique mosaic masterpieces.