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Monastery of the Benedictines
Monastery of the Benedictines
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Catania: Mount Etna Morning or Sunset Day Trip with Tasting
Catania: Mount Etna Morning or Sunset Day Trip with Tasting
62 $
Mount Etna: Guided Volcano Summit Hiking Tour with Cable Car
Mount Etna: Guided Volcano Summit Hiking Tour with Cable Car
111 $
Mount Etna: Guided 3000-Meters Summit Trek
Mount Etna: Guided 3000-Meters Summit Trek
53 $

Practical info

Address: Piazza Dante, Catania
Opening hours: Everyday 9 AM to 5 PM (last tour).
Price: 6 euro. Reduced: 4 euro. Reduced for Students and under 18: 2 euro. Free for under 12.
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