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Pinacoteca Accademia Carrara
Pinacoteca Accademia Carrara
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Bergamo: AC Bus transfer to Milan - No Hassle & Free luggage
Bergamo: AC Bus transfer to Milan - No Hassle & Free luggage
10 $
Milan: Bergamo Airport Transfer
Milan: Bergamo Airport Transfer
10 $
Milan: Bus Transfer from/to Bergamo Airport
Milan: Bus Transfer from/to Bergamo Airport
10 $

Practical info

Address: Piazza Giacomo Carrara 82, Bergamo
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday,  Thursday: 10 am to 7 pm; Friday 10 am  to midnight (until September 30); Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 8 pm (until October 31); Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 7 pm (from November 1). Closed on Tuesday.
Price: 10 euro. Reduced 8 euro. All Fridays 8 pm to midnight: 5 euro. Reduced tickets available for visitors 18-25 years old or groups of at least 12 people. Free for visitors under 18 and students and teachers of the Accademia.
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