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Verona: the Arena at the Gladiators' time
130 USD
Step into the past on a fascinating walking tour that takes you to the world's largest functioning Roman amphitheater. Take a journey through time and uncover the rich history of this iconic landmark, built an astonishing 2,000 years ago to host the epic battles of gladiators.
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Meet your knowledgeable local guide near the town hall, a landmark that bounds the southern edge of the vibrant square where the iconic Arena stands. Follow your guide to the northern part of the square, where the peaceful Bra Gardens provide the perfect vantage point to appreciate the amphitheater's architecture and uncover fascinating details, such as its original size and intricate access systems. Next, venture to the "wing" area, where more surprises await. As you explore the amphitheater, wander through its corridors and archways to marvel at the ingenious design that connected the outer gates to the inner "vomitoria." Imagine yourself in the footsteps of gladiators, exploring the areas where they prepared for battles and discovering the enclosures that once housed wild beasts. Feel free to take a seat on the stone steps, just like the ancient spectators did, and soak up the atmosphere. After hearing captivating stories about the world of gladiator games, your tour will conclude in the most secluded and evocative part of the amphitheater. From there, you're free to stay and soak up the ambiance for as long as you like, making the most of your time in this extraordinary historical site.