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Turin: 24/48-Hour Hop-On Bus & National Automobile Museum
46 USD
Explore Turin on your own terms with a flexible 24 or 48-hour pass for the hop-on hop-off bus tour. As an added bonus, enjoy complimentary access to the National Automobile Museum, where you can marvel at an impressive array of vintage cars on display.
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Unleash the essence of Turin with a 24 or 48-hour hop-on and hop-off bus ticket, granting you the freedom to craft your own itinerary and uncover the city's hidden gems. From the comfort of an open-top bus, marvel at Turin's iconic landmarks and delve into 2,000 years of rich history. Take in the breathtaking views of the Po River, and admire the stunning Baroque architecture that dots the cityscape. Don't miss the lush oasis of Parco del Valentino, a serene escape from the urban bustle. Your ticket unlocks access to both the Red and Blue lines, allowing you to venture off the beaten path and discover unique attractions. Visit the former Fiat factory at Lingotto, now a vibrant entertainment complex, and indulge in the culinary delights of Eataly, a renowned food emporium. Sports enthusiasts will appreciate the opportunity to explore the Winter Olympics' sports venues. The Blue Line takes you to the National Automobile Museum (Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile), a treasure trove of motoring history founded in 1932. Step back in time and explore an impressive collection of almost 200 vintage cars, including pioneering Italian models and iconic marques like Rolls Royce, Oldsmobile, and Benz. The museum's innovative use of digital technology, including free Wi-Fi and a dedicated app, offers visitors an immersive experience. With historical insights, archival images, and interactive data sheets at your fingertips, you'll uncover the fascinating stories behind these vintage vehicles through your smartphone or multimedia totems.