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La Venaria Reale Entry Ticket and Hop-on Hop-off Bus Tour
51 USD
Experience the grandeur of Venaria Reale, a majestic UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the convenience of skip-the-line entry. Combine this with a flexible hop-on-hop-off bus tour, allowing you to discovery the city's most iconic landmarks at your own pace.
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Beat the crowds and indulge in the majestic beauty of the Venaria Reale, a stunning architectural and landscaping marvel that's proudly recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As you wander through this Baroque masterpiece, be mesmerized by the breathtaking Diana Room, the imposing Great Gallery, and the serene Chapel of Saint Hubert - all exemplary representations of 18th-century grandeur. Next, explore the sprawling Scuderie Juvarrine complex, a testament to the genius of Filippo Juvarra, adorned with opulent decorations and crowned by the majestic Fontana del Cervo. Then, delve into the rich history of the Savoy dynasty, with over 2,000 meters of exhibitions that span from the palace's basement to its grand main floor. To complete your Turin experience, enjoy the freedom to roam the city at your own pace with a 24 or 48-hour hop-on hop-off bus tour ticket, taking in the sights and sounds of this captivating city.