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Medieval Lucca for Kids: 2-Hour Private Tour
174 USD
Embark on a fascinating journey through time on this guided tour, tailored to captivate kids and adults alike. As you stroll through the historic heart of Lucca, you'll follow in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims and affluent silk traders who once thronged the city's streets.
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Practical info
Embark on a captivating 2-hour private tour that takes you on a journey through the heart of Lucca, starting at the majestic St. Martin Cathedral. As you approach the cathedral, be struck by the intricate design that adorns its exterior, and then step inside to unravel the mythical creatures and ancient legends that await you. Your knowledgeable guide will decipher the symbols and regale you with tales of miracles associated with them. During the tour, get creative and sketch the fantastical lions, dragons, mermaids, and griffons that adorn the facades of the churches and tower houses, once the domain of Lucca's affluent merchants. Learn to decipher the secrets hidden in the architectural details of these ancient structures. Next, proceed to the picturesque Church of San Michele, where you'll discover fascinating graffiti left behind by silk merchants both inside and outside the church. Wander through the charming medieval streets of Lucca, uncovering the hidden subterranean areas and ancient city walls that lie beneath. The tour culminates with a visit to the historic Zecca, Europe's oldest mint, founded way back in 650 A.D. Here, you'll learn the art of minting a replica of the oldest European coin. To celebrate the end of your tour, indulge in a well-deserved, delicious gelato.