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Museum of History of the University of Pavia
Museum of History of the University of Pavia
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Milan: Cathedral and Duomo's Terraces Entrance Ticket
Milan: Cathedral and Duomo's Terraces Entrance Ticket
28 $
From Milan: Lake Como & Bellagio by Bus & Private Boat Tour
From Milan: Lake Como & Bellagio by Bus & Private Boat Tour
107 $
Milan: Guided Walking Tour & Last Supper Visit with Ticket
Milan: Guided Walking Tour & Last Supper Visit with Ticket
97 $

Practical info

Address: Strada Nuova 65, Pavia
Opening hours: Monday: 14.00-17.00; Wednesday and Friday: 9.00-12.00. Archive: Monday: 9.00-12.00 | 14.30-16.30; Wednesday: 9.00-12.00 | 14.30-16.30; Friday: 9.00-11.00. Every Saturday in June, July, September and October: 15.30-19.00. Closed in August.
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