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Venice: Exclusive Rooftop Terraces Tour with Prosecco
81 USD
Unlock the secrets of Venice's lesser-known gems on a rooftop walking tour that will leave you breathless. Wander through hidden passageways and exclusive rooftop terraces, unveiling a side of the city that few tourists get to experience. As you soak up the local atmosphere, gain valuable insights into the daily lives of the Venetians. The perfect ending to this unique adventure? A refreshing glass of Prosecco, of course!
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Practical info
Unravel the mysteries of Venice on a captivating guided walking tour that takes you off the beaten path. Explore the labyrinthine streets of San Polo, a charming district where locals reside, and discover hidden gems that few tourists get to see. Venture into exclusive Venetian palaces, typically inaccessible to the public, and marvel at the breathtaking views from private rooftops. Delve into the authentic heart of Venice, away from the throngs of tourists, and experience the local way of life. Wander through the bustling Rialto market, where locals shop for fresh produce, and uncover the secrets of the historic Red Light District. Meander along the sparkling waterways, taking in the sights and sounds of this enchanting city. Finally, toast to your unforgettable adventure with a classic Italian aperitivo, savoring the panoramic views of the Grand Canal.