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Messina: Private Home Cooking Demo with a Four-Course Meal
114 USD
Savor the authentic taste of Italy with a personalized culinary experience. In the warmth of a local's home, discover the secrets of traditional Italian cuisine through a private cooking demonstration. Then, indulge in a delectable four-course meal, expertly paired with a selection of fine local wines that will leave your senses delighted.
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Step into the warm and welcoming home of a local host, where the aromas and flavors of authentic Italian cuisine come alive. Get ready for an exclusive culinary experience, as your host whips up a mouth-watering four-course meal, showcasing the region's most beloved dishes. From a delectable starter to a heavenly pasta dish, a satisfying main course, and a decadent dessert, you'll witness the art of traditional Italian cooking up close. But that's not all - you'll also have the opportunity to savor each dish, paired with a curated selection of local wines that perfectly complement the flavors. As you dine with your host, you'll be regaled with captivating tales of the local culture and culinary heritage, immersing yourself in the country's renowned hospitality.