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National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria
National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria
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Guided Tour of Rolli Palaces UNESCO Site, Genoa
Guided Tour of Rolli Palaces UNESCO Site, Genoa
15 $
Genoa: Aquarium of Genoa Timeslot Entry Ticket
Genoa: Aquarium of Genoa Timeslot Entry Ticket
27 $
Genoa: Aquarium of Genoa with Lunch
Genoa: Aquarium of Genoa with Lunch
37 $

Practical info

Address: Piazza di Pellicceria 1, Genoa
Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday: from 8.30 AM to 7.30 PM. Sundays and public holidays from 1.30 PM to 7.30 PM.
Price: 4 euro. Adults 4 €. Reduced (for boys aged 18 to 25 years): 2 €. Free for under 18 and over 65 years (EEC citizens). Combined ticket National Gallery at the Spinola Palace and Royal Palace: Full 6.50 €, Reduced (for boys aged 18 to 25 years): 3.25 €.
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