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Uffizi Gallery
Uffizi Gallery
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Florence: Skip-The-Line Uffizi Gallery Timed Entry Ticket
Florence: Skip-The-Line Uffizi Gallery Timed Entry Ticket
24 $
Florence: Skip-the-Line Uffizi Small Group Tour
Florence: Skip-the-Line Uffizi Small Group Tour
77 $
Florence: Uffizi Priority Ticket with Masterpieces Audio App
Florence: Uffizi Priority Ticket with Masterpieces Audio App
42 $

Practical info

Address: Piazzale degli Uffizi, Florence
Opening hours: From Tuesday to Sunday, hours 8:15 AM to 6:50 PM. Closed: Mondays, New Year's Day, May 1st and Christmas Day. The ticket office closes at 6:05 PM. The closing operations begin at 6:35 PM.
Price: 6.50 euro. Reduced: € 3.25. RESERVATIONS FOR THE VISIT: call Firenze Musei at phone: (+39) 055 294883. Booking fee: € 4.00.
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