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Enjoy Bologna: The Learned, The Fat, The Red ♡
30 USD
Step into the vibrant streets of Bologna, a city that will captivate your senses and delight your taste buds! As a self-proclaimed foodie with a deep affection for this Italian gem, I've carefully crafted this tour to uncover the hidden gems and authentic flavors that make Bologna a culinary paradise.
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Embark on a culinary adventure as we delve into the heart of Bologna, exploring iconic landmarks and uncovering the city's oldest and most mouth-watering food markets. Get ready to indulge in Bologna's authentic flavors and discover the secrets behind its traditional dishes. This tour is designed to satisfy your curiosity, uncovering the fun facts and hidden gems of Bologna, while immersing yourself in the local food culture. As someone who's always believed that the best way to understand a culture, history, and lifestyle is through its cuisine, I'm excited to share this experience with you. If you're traveling solo or as a pair and the tour is fully booked, don't hesitate to reach out. Plus, for those seeking a more personalized experience, private tours can be arranged upon request, allowing you to customize the tour to your interests and pace.