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Bologna: Tastes and Traditions Food Tour with Market Visit
86 USD
Embark on a culinary journey through the heart of Italy with a gastronomic adventure in Bologna. Explore the bustling marketplace, where local artisans showcase their expertise, and uncover the secrets behind the region's iconic flavors. Immerse yourself in the local culture by savoring timeless Italian classics, lovingly crafted from recipes that have been handed down through generations of passionate cooks.
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Practical info
Embark on a culinary adventure in Bologna, the heart of Italy's gastronomic world! Your day begins with a quintessential Italian ritual – a rich coffee and a slice of delicious torta di riso, Italy's answer to rice cake, at one of the city's oldest and most charming pastry shops. As you indulge in the sweet treat, take in the stunning display of mouthwatering pastries and get ready for a day of epicurean delights. Next, delve into the vibrant atmosphere of Bologna's bustling food market, where the sights, sounds, and aromas will leave you enchanted. Your local guide will introduce you to the region's famous cheese artisans, where you'll sample a variety of artisanal cheeses and watch in awe as they craft parmigiana with a drizzle of rich balsamic vinegar. Savor the flavors of Italy with a satisfying panini filled with mortadella, accompanied by a glass of fine Italian wine at Bologna's oldest and most esteemed wine bar. As you continue on this gastronomic journey, experience the authentic essence of Italian cuisine up close. Discover the freshness of just-picked tomatoes, marvel at the art of handmade pasta crafted by local artisans, and indulge in the heavenly taste and textures of hand-rolled tortelli. You'll fall deeply in love with Italy's humble yet rich culinary traditions. But the epicurean adventure doesn't end there! Stroll through the historic streets and visit traditional trattorias and trendy bistros, where you'll sample iconic dishes like tagliatelle bolognese, tortellini, and more. By the end of this immersive culinary experience, you'll leave with a profound appreciation for the rich flavors and traditions of Italian cuisine, and unforgettable memories that will linger forever.