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Bologna: Self-Guided Food Tasting Tour with Vouchers
46 USD
Embark on a culinary adventure through the historic heart of Bologna, where the tantalizing aromas of local delicacies will guide you through the city's winding streets and hidden alleys. At your leisure, indulge in a self-guided gastronomic tour, navigating through the city with the help of a provided map and vouchers.
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Practical info
Embark on a culinary adventure through Bologna with a self-guided food tour, where the city's culinary secrets await discovery. Armed with a map and a collection of vouchers, you're free to explore the city's gastronomic delights at your leisure. Meander through the historic old town's narrow streets, pausing to capture memories through photos and exploring the recommended points of interest. As you wander, collect tastings of authentic, locally-sourced delicacies, including artisanal chocolates, delectable gelato, and the iconic Tigellone, smothered in rich ragù sauce. Adults will also be treated to a glass of wine, a revitalizing coffee, and a sample of Parmesan cheese. Each voucher provides clear instructions on what to expect and where to redeem, with the added convenience of a scannable QR code to guide you through the tour on Google Maps.