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Salina di Cervia: Walk along the way of the nests
Embark on an immersive stroll through the Cervia Saltpan with a guided walking tour. Armed with binoculars, follow your expert guide along the scenic 'Way of the Nests' trail. This leisurely, 1-kilometer route invites you to take in the sights and sounds of this unique environment at a relaxed pace, with a convenient round-trip journey.
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Practical info
As we embark on our adventure, binoculars in hand, we stroll along the 'way of the nests' accompanied by a knowledgeable guide. En route, we take in the region's characteristic flora, enjoying the picturesque scenery of the Po Delta Park's South Gate. If we're lucky, we might even catch a glimpse of some fascinating bird species. From the elevated vantage point of the lookout tower, we're treated to a breathtaking panorama of the Salina, where the horizon seamlessly blends the sky and water. This is a photographer's dream come true, with endless opportunities to snap stunning shots. After working up an appetite, we can retreat to the Visitor Center, which offers ample parking, including space for campers. Here, we can browse the shop's selection of sweet salt products, tantalize our taste buds with a savory piadina, or simply relax with a refreshing drink at the on-site bar.