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Gulf of Poets Rental Boat without a Skipper
270 USD
Set sail on a nautical adventure across the picturesque Golfo dei Poeti! Chart your own course with a personalized map in hand, and indulge in a day of sun, sea, and breathtaking views. With the wind in your hair and the sea breeze on your face, get ready to soak up the Italian coastal charm.
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Practical info
Your adventure begins at La Spezia's Mirabello port, where you can park your vehicle for a small fee of 1 euro per hour. Inside the nearby petrol station, you'll meet a friendly staff member who will brief you on how to navigate the stunning Gulf of Poets by sea, provide you with a handy map, and answer any questions you may have. Next, board your fuelled-up boat and receive a quick rundown on how to operate the vessel and its navigational equipment. Then, set off into the sparkling Ligurian Sea, exploring the picturesque villages of Portovenere and Lerici, as well as the enchanting islands of Palmeria, Tino, and Tinetto. After a fantastic day on the water, return your boat to the starting point and refuel for the next adventurer. A perfect day out on the Mediterranean!