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Parma: Parmigiano and Prosciutto Guided Tour
212 USD
Embark on a culinary adventure through Italy's gastronomic treasures, led by a knowledgeable expert. Savor the rich flavors of two beloved Italian staples: the 'King of Cheeses', Parmigiano-Reggiano, and the delicate charm of Parma ham.
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Embark on a gastronomic adventure in Parma, where local flavors and traditions await! Meet your knowledgeable guide at the Roadhouse Restaurant on Viale delle Esposizioni, and get ready to delve into the world of Parma's iconic delicacies. First, visit an authentic Parmigiano-Reggiano producer, where you'll uncover the centuries-old secrets behind this revered "King of Cheeses". Learn how this beloved staple has been crafted since the time of the Benedictine monks, and savor its rich flavor during a special tasting. Next, wander through the picturesque medieval village of Torrechiara, where the romantic castle offers a perfect backdrop for memorable photos. Then, head to a family-owned ham factory, where the famous Prosciutto di Parma is carefully crafted. After working up an appetite, enjoy a farm-to-table lunch at a local eatery, featuring an array of regional specialties. Indulge in Parmigiano, prosciutto, and other local cold cuts, paired with a classic tortelli di Parma dish and homemade desserts. To complete the culinary experience, sip on a glass of Lambrusco or Malvasia, two of the region's renowned wines.