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From Parma: Parmigiano and Parma Ham Guided Food Tour
129 USD
Embark on a culinary adventure through Italy's iconic products with a knowledgeable local guide. Delve into the world of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and Parma ham, and indulge in a sensory experience that will leave your taste buds singing. Explore a Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory and a Parma ham factory, where you'll have the chance to sample these delicious products, paired with wine, in a unique and unforgettable experience.
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Embark on a culinary journey to uncover the secrets of Italy's most revered ingredients. Step into a traditional Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory and discover the time-honored techniques that have earned this iconic cheese its EU-protected status. Witness skilled artisans at work as they carefully craft each wheel, and follow the production process from the milk vats to the shaping and salting rooms, culminating in the stagionatura, where the cheese matures to perfection. Be awestruck by the sheer scale of the operation, surrounded by thousands of wheels of golden goodness. Next, indulge in a tasting experience like no other, pairing the rich flavors of Parmigiano Reggiano with sweet honey and a glass of locally produced wine. The gastronomic adventure continues with a visit to a Parma ham factory, where you'll explore the cellar branding area and learn about the meticulous process of cooling, salting, and resting the meat. Savor a selection of cold cuts, expertly paired with a glass of wine. Finally, visit an organic Parma ham farm and meet the passionate producer behind this beloved delicacy. Conclude your epicurean escapade with a taste of sublime Parma ham, perfectly paired with a glass of Malvasia wine.