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Maranello: Test Drive Ferrari 488 Spider
152 USD
Imagine the rush of adrenaline as you take the wheel of a sleek Ferrari 488 Spider and hit the open road. Your journey begins in Maranello, the picturesque northern Italian town that's home to the iconic Ferrari brand and its legendary Formula 1 racing team. Get ready to put the pedal to the metal and experience the ultimate thrill of driving a high-performance supercar in its spiritual birthplace.
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Imagine the rush of adrenaline as you slip behind the wheel of a sleek Ferrari 488 Spider, ready to take on the picturesque roads surrounding Maranello, the iconic headquarters of the legendary Ferrari empire. Experience the thrill of driving a Ferrari in its hometown, where the iconic Italian supercar was born. You'll be in the driver's seat, navigating through the rolling hills and scenic countryside of this renowned region. Before you set off, get insider tips and tricks from a seasoned driving instructor, ensuring you're fully equipped to harness the power of this magnificent machine. Then, with the engine roaring to life, unleash your inner speed demon and take the Ferrari 488 Spider for a spin, feeling the rush of its incredible 670 horsepower and 0-100 km/h acceleration in under 3 seconds!